Saturday, February 4, 2012

{Yeah} {I cloth diaper}...

You could say, I kinda fell into cloth diapering...

I never had anything against it, and in fact thought about it from time to time, but I have a bad habit of starting things without thinking them through, and didn't want to $invest$ so much in something that I would later regret.

However, around the time that we got to bring Brontë home from the NICU, we were blessed with a care package from a complete stranger who had heard about our family's story, and in this care package, along with many other wonderful things were 10 Li'l Joey diapers in various adorable colors... I was SO excited! I got to try out this whole cloth diapering thing without the worries of $investing$ in something that we might end up hating...

Needless to say, I was hooked, and SO WAS MY HUSBAND! There are so many great reasons to cloth diaper, and today's cloth diaper is NOT yo mamma's cloth diaper! They come in so many varieties that make it nearly as effortless as using disposables, but without the worry of harsh chemicals such as Dioxins and Sodium Polycarbonate, as well as the added benefit of doing something nice for the environment that is also nice for the wallet.

If you're interested in reading up on other reasons why cloth diapering kicks butt you can read more here or here.

I know, I know... what's with the fear of $investing$ but also being nice for the wallet spiel??

It's one of those things that so appropriately fits the adage, "you gotta spend money to make money". We're not exactly making money, but we're all set now to save some...

Brontë's diaper stash now consists of 10 All-in-One Lil Joey's, 4 One-Size-Fits-Most pocket Rumparooz, 8 One-Size-Fits-Most pocket BumGenius, and 1 One-Size-Fits-Most/All-in-One BumGenius... All of which have proven to be phenomenal diapers for us, BUT at $17-$25 a peice... that's where my $investment$ fear was stemming from... However, Recently I was told by another mom, about another brand that is both cheaper and {at least in her oppinion} superior...

So, we got...

I ended up ordering 4 of these Kawaii Baby Diapers... At roughly 50% of the cost of comparable diapers of other brands, I am SUPER interested to see if they are really "SUPERIOR" as was claimed by the mom that tipped me off about them...

These ones are made with an eco-friendly bamboo fiber inner pocket liner, and a super soft minky waterproof outer shell... each diaper also comes with 2 bamboo fiber inserts.

They're currently in the wash, but as soon as they're out, I'm puttin' baby girl in 'em... I'll let you know how they fare...

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