The ordinary became extraordinary.
We all know the story --- boy meets girl --- sparks fly --- they fall --- first comes love then comes marriage style.
It happens for most people at some point in time, and it happened for us on this day, three years ago.
We moved fast --- too fast in some people's opinion --- we were a couple almost immediately. Completely inseparable --- We still are --- In the 1,096 days that have passed since, we have only been apart for 4 of them {Too many, if you ask us}.
I've always been too much of a
Nick won my heart at record speed, and has cared for it tenderly each day since.
Now, fast forward 2 years from then --- or rewind 1 from now {Confused yet?}
Either way, you'll land on this day --- one year ago
We were at the doctors about to find out if we indeed were viably pregnant, or if an early miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy were the cause of my positive pregnancy test from 10 days earlier.
As you know from my May 8th post, I had an appointment the following day to discuss and formulate a plan to take care of my cysts and solid mass that had taken up unwelcome residency on my ovaries. However, the day before that appointment, I tested positive with an at home pregnancy test, which would shift the entire game plan if it were a for real positive.
However, at that appointment, my OB-GYN did an ultrasound, and couldn't find any evidence of a pregnancy. Her immediate concern was that we were dealing with an ectopic pregnancy, so she sent me for a second opinion and to get further imaging done, but it was all inconclusive --- The second --- and very desensitized --- opinion we got was that I was definitely not pregnant, at least not with a viable pregnancy, and that it seemed, in addition to my ovarian problems, I had endometriosis, which would also make it difficult for me to ever become pregnant. He said that I most likely was dealing with an early ectopic pregnancy or that I was literally in the middle of a miscarriage.
I was heartbroken, and with my voice quivering with hopelessness, I asked him if it was at all possible i was pregnant, but that maybe it was just too early to see anything --- he said it was possible --- but highly unlikely.
My OB-GYN then ordered blood work to be done on me a couple times a few days apart in order to check my hormone levels, and we scheduled another appointment to discuss the results.
So on this day, a year ago, we were waiting --- nervously --- to hear those results. Either - A - my hormones tapered off, which would indicate a miscarriage or - B - They would show an increase indicating either ectopic or possibly normal pregnancy.
It was B --- and against all the odds given us, it appeared to be a normal pregnancy!
On this day, one year ago, Nick and I caught the first glimpse of our daughter --- just the tiniest of gestational sacks --- seemingly empty --- but full of hope.
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