Alright, this is today's 2-fer to make up for last week.
My last post was a bit more light hearted than this one. This is not a funny post, and so I will not be writing it with a "Haha... LOL" sort of voice. This is a about a real, messy, and sometimes hurtful downfall I have. I don't think I have ever sent out a formal "Thank-You" card --- not to a family member --- not to a friend --- not under any circumstance.
This may not be so bad if I hadn't ever gotten married, had a bridal shower, bachelorette party, or now baby shower --- but I have --- and I have failed miserably at formally showing my appreciation through a Thank-You note.
Now, don't get me wrong... it's not that I don't do anything to show my appreciation... I am usually very vocal with my thanks, but alas, that alone is not good form.
And so I made a pact with Nick...
About a month ago Nick and I had a talk, and I let him know how much this is something that I want to change, and that it's pretty important to me to do so. On the spot, we made a list of everybody who has shown their generousity towards us since my hospitalization, Brontë's birth, and more recently her homecoming and baby shower --- and there were A LOT! We have been blessed beyond measure by family, friends, and even strangers!
The next day I started writing them out, and planned to get a few written each day, and send them out all together once I was finished. I'm sure it seems like a very simple thing to the majority of people, but to me, it was a big deal, and I was proud of myself for making this purposeful change.
However, to my dismay...
After unpacking from our move, Nick and I realized that our stack of Thank-You's was missing --- neither of us having a clue if they got shuffled in with the storage, or accidentally in with the trash, and so now I find myself having to re-write them.
So, here it is...
I am going to write them this week --- I will not let the fact that I already wrote them and lost them throw me off --- and not only will I write them, I will send them, AND I am going to take this opportunity to organize a big girl address book that I can reference for next time.
And to you who are reading this, and have shown your love and support...
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